Les Menuires, a supportive resort

For years, Les Menuires has been supporting various charitable organisations. While skiing is central to the resort, altruism is in our DNA, and at the heart of our values of kindness, commitment, sincerity, sharing and loyalty. Shall we introduce our organisations to you?
On 23 May 2023, the Alliance Paralysie Cérébrale des Alpes (Alpysia) was created, following the merge of the ADIMCP 38 and the ADMIC 74. This association represents and supports people with disabilities, along with their families.
These two organisations were founded by devoted parents 60 years ago, and they provide support for people suffering from cerebral palsy and their families. The association is involved in several fields, including education, medical care, housing, professional training, home-based care, sports and cultural activities, as well as leisure activities and tourism.

For 25 years, along with Alpysia, Les Menuires has been organising the Trophy of Hope, an event that is sponsored by the double Olympic judo champion David Douillet. The goal is to raise funds to help the organisation. A group of disabled people and their carers spend a day discovering the joys of skiing through handiski. The evening is both festive and supportive. On the programme: a sale of soft animals, a torchlight descent with the ESF, light shows, an exceptional show and fireworks.
We are proud and happy to have helped Alpysia to finance the purchase of a HANSA boat suitable for disabled people.
Action Enfance
Since 1958, Action Enfance has been offering children who are separated from their parents by decision of the Juvenile Court the opportunity to live in a village. Siblings are not separated as may be the case in foster care. In Action Enfance villages, each child lives in a house with educators who work in shifts. They provide a stable, educational and protective environment, in order to help the children grow up and integrate better into society.
For several years, Les Menuires has enabled young people from different villages to come to the mountains in summer or winter on holiday, thanks to partnerships with SEVABEL (ski lift company), estate agencies, SOGEVAB, etc. The aim is to offer them an unforgettable and magical holiday in the mountains.

In February 2023, the resort welcomed 18 children and 4 accompanying adults from the Village d'Enfants et d'Adolescents de Cesson for two days. They were able to discover the mountains, try skiing and take their first lesson.
In July 2023, 8 children and 3 educators from the Village de Chinon came to stay in Les Menuires, an opportunity to introduce the kids to the pleasures of the mountains in summer. The educational staff testify that the experience enabled the children to strengthen their cohesion, gain confidence and create moments that will remain in their memories.
Association Petits Princes
Created in 1987, the Association Petits Princes works with seriously-ill children aged 3 to 18, making their dreams come true. By pursuing their passion and realising their dreams, children often find new energy to fight their illness. The organisation supports children throughout their illness and provides vital assistance to the whole family.
Since its creation, the Association Petits Princes has made 8,500 dreams come true. Each day, the dream of a seriously ill child is fulfilled.
Since 2018, Les Menuires has been collecting money for this organisation, especially through sales of soft animals and other souvenirs during different events such as the Thursday Night Show. Our resort thus participates in operation "Famille Plus, la montagne solidaire" (Family Plus, a mountain of support).

In 2022, a card game, 7 families (Happy Families), was created in partnership with SEVABEL. It is sold at events, at the Tourist Office and at the Croisette ski lift ticket office. The proceeds are donated to the Association Petits Princes.
The Schuss Solidaire
On 5 April 2024, Les Menuires and Saint-Martin-de-Belleville hosted the second edition of the 'Schuss Solidaire', organised by the association 'Sport dans la Ville'. The one-day event brought together 70 participants in a spirit of conviviality and solidarity, enabling over 600 young people from underprivileged areas to experience a holiday in the mountains and Drôme Provençale.
The programme for the day consisted in a cross-country ski trip including 350 metres of ascent, lunch in a high-altitude restaurant and a convivial slalom in glorious sunshine to round it all off. To relive this memorable day, watch the video by 'Sport dans la Ville'. The 3rd edition of the 'Schuss Solidaire' will take place on 4 April 2025.